
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

BYOD - Oh My!

Are you familiar with this acronym? If you have wondered how to get two classes 1:1 Internet connection with only one lab (ML or fixed), this is your answer. Bring Your Own Device is where students bring their iPod, iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, Nook Color, Kindle, and the list keeps growing, to class and log into their school accounts to reach Internet service on PHM wireless connectivity (what a mouthful!). Now, to give credit where credit is due, many Discovery teachers have been employing this method to get around limited machines and the method has been around for a long time. It just takes a little getting used to to actually put it in practice.

Door Announcement
Today, social studies 6 went into full solution mode to figure out how to allow 64 students 1:1 access with only one mobile lab as we continued our research of Renaissance "players." This was pulled off without a hitch and with the addition of student's personal devices to our Mobile Lab (ML) we were able to connect in a 1:1 environment. Because each student had a different player to research we were prepared to pair students between our two classrooms but with the many personal devices available this was not necessary.
Students using the ML

We did not suddenly arrive at this level of device use without some preparation over the last few months. Students have done very well with the responsibility device use requires. Any discipline necessary resembles that of regular lab use and less than responsible users are met with probation of further use or even higher tech. misuse consequences.

Personal Device Use
The wireless network has operated very well as long as reading and researching is taking place. When you start saving and loading Internet items, which test taking requires, the network slows down considerably.
Personal Device Use

We start them very young in sixth grade

Your Discovery Literacy Team

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