
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Follow-Up Friday - Blogger (

Hey everybody,
We had another great Thinking Thursdays session today (I promise to do something with that name) and had another fantastic turn out. Our featured presenter today was none other than the self-proclaimed "Queen of Blogging" Kathy Burnette (your check is in the mail, just ask James). If you were in attendance, you would understand that claim. We opened up a Blogger account or signed in to one we already had and never really used. Literally within minutes people were blogging. Now of course, you can tweak your blog in many ways to make it personal and do as much or as little with it that you want. Kathy's presentation is here on this post as well as a 40 minute (ugh!) tutorial and, not nearly as fun as being there, screen cast on how to set up a Blogger account and an actual blog. Now, you will never get the 40 minutes back that you view my tutorial but you may be able to have a Blogger up and running and feel a little better about the process. Your choice.

Your Literacy Team

Picture made with TurboCollage Pro for iPad

Really, I'm sorry this is so long. I must just like listening to myself talk. There are much shorter tutorials on line for Blogger but it will not be as personable. It was fun to make and I used ScreenCast-O-Matic for screen capture using a Mac Book Pro. One tactic could be to run the screen cast on your iPad while setting up your laptop. Just a thought.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

24 Hours to Go

Hello Everyone,

We are just a little more than 24 hours away from Kathy Burnette's scintillating presentation on blogs. She'll be leading us in how to set up and start your blog. We have had to have a change of location due to all the Acuity testing. We will meet Thursday morning in room 108. Please bring your laptops so you can practice what Kathy preaches. See you Thursday morning.

Your Literacy Leaders

P.S. For those of you already blogging, don't worry. We have something special for you next Thursday. On October 4th, Kathy will be discussing how to use the blog successfully. She'll share a variety of ways you can turn the blog into a useful tool that gets the kids interested and extends the classroom. Can't wait to see that!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Are You Kidding Me?

Nope.  I wouldn't kid you. 15 people showed up for our first Thinking Thursday activity in James Howard's room.  It was an amazing turnout.  Those individuals got the low down on the Show Me app and some personal attention on ways it can be used in the classroom.  
Now, guess what.  We are having another Thinking Thursday this week (September 27).  The Featured Teacher will be none other than our very own Kathy Burnette!  She will be sharing her infinite insight on how to set up a blog.  This will enable you to communicate with parents and students in a quick, efficient way.  Kathy is experienced and has done this presentation before.  Just listen to what a few former clients had this to say about the learning experience:

"Before Kathy showed me how to blog, I was scared to even look at one.  After 20 minutes with Kathy, I was writing my first post.  She's amazing!"

"I felt like I was stuck in the 80s with all those big hair metal bands. Kathy's blogging expertise brought me into the 21st century." 

"Other than the birth of my children, learning how to blog was the happiest day of my life! Thanks, Kathy!"

So come join us at 8:15 this Thursday in Lab B (upstairs off the IMC).  See what blogging can do for you.

Your Literacy Leaders

Format: iPad, Internet (Computer)
Price: Free
Vender: iTunes, Internet (Blogger)

Follow-Up Friday - ShowMe for iPad

Thank you all who made time to attend our first "Thinking Thursday" Literacy session. A great group showed up in James' room Thursday morning for a little demonstration on ShowMe. Thanks James for hosting and being our first "featured presenter." Your check is in the mail. We are planning more sessions on technology as well as literacy themes and welcome "new presenters" that would be willing to share your "expertise." If you have an idea, request, or want to present, please let a lit leader in on the magic. You could be our next "featured presenter." I know deep down that has been your fondest dream.

I thought it might be in order to put together a little follow-up video clip on how to import images, backgrounds, and pages, in ShowMe. The following video screencast (about 7 minutes) makes an attempt to do just that. If you have any questions or need more explanation or assistance on ShowMe, or any other application, please don't hesitate to check in with me, James, or anyone that is using it. We will be offering "Follow Up Fridays" or "just if you want to talk, Fridays," in room 203 (Lavon's room). The second one just doesn't have much ring to it (actually, it has no name).

Your Literacy Team

ShowMe screencast on how to use images, backgrounds, and pages.


Welcome to the Thinking Thursdays and other smart things blog page. I guess the reason for the goofy title is that I will try to include updates on Thinking Thursdays, Follow Up Fridays, and any live action literacy strategies that are going on in our classrooms. If you have some cool things you wish to share, let me know and I will try to include it on a post. We can include pics, videos, and any other reporting method we can think of. Hopefully, you signed up for an email update by placing your email address in the "Follow by Email" box at the upper right of the blog page. That way each time their is a new post you will get an email. No checking the blog for the latest stuff.

Your Literacy Team