
Friday, March 28, 2014

Canvas Anyone?

In thinking about our last Thinking Thursday outing, it is apparent that our focus needs to be on the individual user. In other words, because everyone is on such a different level that the focus should be more one-on-one support. After saying that the fact is that Canvas has so many levels and so many places to "hide" nuggets of useful tools, here is one location that may be of interest. Check it out.  You may also want to check out the Canvas Instructor Orientation located on the banner at the top under COURSES. I have made more use of the first one. Happy hunting.

Your Discovery Literacy Team

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Next Thinking Thursdays Event

Hey all. We are finally ready to deliver on our next Thinking Thursday Event. With the approaching deadlines for snow make up day E-learning we thought we would demonstrate some Canvas techniques. Thursday, March 20, will be our first event of the year (Sorry, too late for social studies.). We will demo the basics for starting a Canvas build of which you may choose (or not) to host your snow makeup lesson. Jennifer Cobb and I will be hosting (with support from any other Canvas users) and we will hold the event before school and after. You can attend both, one, or neither. It is your call. Hope to see you there.

Here is a link for a rather long 32 minute screencast featuring the following for Canvas:

Logging on
Starting a module
Putting in component pages
     Placing Internet links
     Installing a video
     Setting up a "write on the page" turn in assignment with rubric
     Setting up a turn in assignment for file submission with rubric

Canvas Snow Day Build Demo 31:54

We will go through these in as much detail as you want on Thursday. Even less, if you like. Our goal is to assist in setting up a short simple module that you can use, if you choose.

Remember, you can always post your lesson plan to your blog or push it out to Google Drive. My choice by a long shot is to use Canvas. I believe the benefits to be in the grading and accountability for students and the ease of access for me.

Your Discovery Literacy Team